Funding targets high-crash sites in cities and counties and supports the U.S. Department of Transportation’s comprehensive strategy to reduce roadway deaths. U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg announced $800 million in grant awards for 510 projects through the new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) Grant Program, a record amount of funding to improve roads […]
NTSB Chair Raises Concerns About EV Crash Safety and Road Fatalities in Keynote Address
Says higher curb weight of electric vehicles presents safety risk for all road users. In a keynote speech to the Transportation Research Board annual meeting January 11, National Transportation Safety Board Chair Jennifer Homendy reminded transportation leaders why they do what they do. “We’re fighting for the 43,000 people who die on our roads annually…and […]
AAA Foundation Study Finds Many Drivers Hit the Road on Potentially Impairing Medications
Nearly half of the drivers surveyed said they used one or more potentially impairing medications in the past 30 days, according to new research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The proportion of those choosing to drive is higher among those taking multiple medications. More concerning, many who took these medications to combat depression, […]
NHTSA Launches Anti-Speeding Campaign
Addressing risky driver behavior such as speeding is one of five pillars in the National Roadway Safety Strategy. As part of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s comprehensive safety strategy to prevent traffic deaths, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced it is launching a public education campaign across the country to address one of America’s […]
GM and INRIX Join Forces to Leverage Connected Vehicle Data to Help Achieve Vision Zero Goals for Congestion and Crashes
General Motors (NYSE:GM) and INRIX Inc., the mobility analytics and connected car services provider, announced a collaboration to develop safety solutions to help transportation and planning agencies achieve road safety goals. Available first in the U.S., Safety View by GM Future Roads & INRIX is a cloud-based application that provides transportation officials with critical insights […]
NHTSA Proposes Updates to Five-Star Safety Ratings Program
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has proposed significant safety updates to its flagship 5-Star Safety Ratings program. These improvements are part of efforts to improve safety on our nation’s roads and will help fulfill requirements included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. NHTSA is proposing the following updates to its 5-Star […]
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Includes New Vehicle Safety Provisions
This week, President Joe Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. The president’s signature was the culmination of months of negotiation over the bill, which totals $1.2 trillion and includes $550 billion in new money for the nation’s infrastructure. According to an analysis by the Automotive ServicefAssociation (ASA), the legislation will make […]
States Announce More Aggressive Drunk and Drugged Driving Holiday Safety Campaign Due to Pandemic
Despite fewer drivers on the road this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, states have tracked a disturbing uptick in many risky driving behaviors. To address this challenge, the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) and its members, the state highway safety offices (SHSOs), joined with federal officials, MADD and the International Association of Chiefs of […]
Red Light Running Deaths Hit 10 Year High
More than two people are killed every day on U.S. roads by impatient and reckless drivers blowing through red lights, according to data analysis performed by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The most recent crash data available shows 939 people were killed in red light running crashes in 2017 — a 10-year high and […]
3M Contributes $250,000 to United Nations Road Safety Initiative
3M has pledged support as a founding donor to a newly established United Nations Road Safety Trust Fund. The company committed $250,000 to the UN Road Safety Trust Fund which aims to accelerate progress in improving global road safety by bridging the gaps in the mobilization of resources for effective action at all levels. “With […]