Studies by IIHS and HLDI show crash rates up in Western U.S. states that legalized recreational use and retail sales of marijuana. According to research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), and another by the affiliated Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), crash rates and collision claim frequencies spiked in most states following the […]
Report Shows Evidence of Rear Autobrake Effectiveness
HLDI analysis shows 28% few liability claims and 10% fewer collision claims. According to an analysis by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI), rear automatic emergency braking (AEB) systems are reducing crashes. Rear AEB was the standout feature in HLDI’s annual compilation of its research on the impact of crash avoidance technologies. The updated rear AEB […]
Animal Strikes Twice Annual Average During November
Highway Loss Data Institute reports on 2006-2018 claim analysis. In 2018, the average cost of an animal strike claim was $3,875 Animal-strike-related insurance claims are more than twice as frequent as the yearly average in November, when the search for a mate keeps the big bucks on the move, according to an analysis of claims […]
HLDI Reports Ford F-150 Repair Costs Remain Steady Despite Aluminum Parts
While repair costs have not increased due to aluminum, analysis shows longer time to repair vehicles and higher claim frequency. The Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) reports that Ford’s switch to aluminum for the body of the F-150 pickup hasn’t resulted in higher repair costs, in part because the company is pricing the aluminum parts […]
Collision Claims Up 6% in First States that Legalized Recreational Marijuana
Crashes are up by as much as 6 percent in Colorado, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, compared with neighboring states that haven’t legalized marijuana for recreational use, new research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) shows. The findings come as campaigns to decriminalize marijuana gain traction with voters […]
HLDI Reports Tesla Model S with Advanced Features Have Fewer Physical Damage Claims
According to the a report by the Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) detailed in the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) Status Report, the combined crash avoidance features on the Tesla Model S are reducing third-party physical damage and injury liability claims. Tesla’s “Autopilot” is limited to lowering collision claims. HLDI compared the claims experience […]
IIHS-HLDI Launch Educational Website for Science Teachers, Students
A new educational website from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety applies physics and biology concepts to the real world of cars and car crashes. IIHS-HLDI in the Classroom is a free, online resource featuring hands-on science activities designed by science educator Griff Jones, Ph.D., a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science […]
IIHS and HLDI Announce Board Election Results
Nationwide’s Windsor elected IIHS chairman, Amica’s Petrarca elected HLDI chairman The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety announced the election of William L. Windsor Jr. as chairman of its Board of Directors. Windsor is associate vice president, Office of Consumer Safety, Nationwide Insurance. He succeeds Floyd M. Yager, senior vice president and chief data officer, Allstate […]
IIHS and HLDI Announce New President
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the Highway Loss Data Institute announced that Dr. David L. Harkey will become the next president of the two traffic safety research organizations in January 2018. Harkey will succeed Dr. Adrian K. Lund, who is retiring after serving as IIHS-HLDI president since 2006. Harkey, 54, has directed the […]
HLDI Reports Legalizing Recreational Marijuana Leads to More Collision Claims
Legalizing recreational marijuana use in Colorado, Oregon and Washington has resulted in collision claim frequencies that are about 3 percent higher overall than would have been expected without legalization, a new Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) analysis shows. This is HLDI’s first report on how marijuana legalization since 2014 has affected crashes reported to insurers. […]