Survey findings reveal low awareness among U.S. vehicle owners of the data their cars produce as well as who owns this data. More than 8 in 10 U.S. vehicle owners and lessees believe car owners should have full access to and control of their vehicle’s data, including maintenance and repair information, according to the results […]
Mutual Insurers Association Optimistic about Automated Vehicles but Caution Safety Must Be Top Focus
Report calls for third-party access to defined, transparent data standards that foster better understanding of automated vehicles and their operation. Automated driving systems (ADS) hold great promise to save lives and reduce crashes on the nation’s highways, according to a new white paper from the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC), but the road […]
ASA Raises Concern on Vendors Sharing or Selling Collision Repair and Service Shop Customer Data
Association creates data privacy agreement for collision repair and mechanical facilities to use with vendors The Automotive Service Association (ASA) issued a warning that some third-party vendors that collision and service repair shops do business with might be reselling their customers’ data in detail, or as an aggregate, to third parties, without the repair facilities […]
ASA Leadership Meets with Policymakers, Administration on Automated Vehicle Issues
Highlights the importance of independent repairer data access On April 19, ASA Chairman Roy Schnepper, and ASA President and Executive Director Dan Risley, met with key leaders in Washington, D.C., to discuss automated vehicle policy and data access. During Capitol Hill meetings, Schnepper and Risley outlined the importance of data access to independent automotive repairers. […]
ASA Encourages Members to Contact Congressional Representatives on Vehicle Data Access Bill
The Automotive Service Association (ASA) announced that U.S. Congressman Earl “Buddy” Carter, (R-Ga.), is currently developing an automotive data access bill that will create a stakeholder committee at the U.S. Department of Transportation, allowing policymakers to hear from all sides of the automated vehicle discussion and ensure the independent repairer has a seat at the […]