Proposed regulations seek to improve the accuracy and transparency of collision repair labor rate surveys, clarify anti-steering requirements for insurers. In early March, the California Department of Insurance published proposed regulations to change the requirements for labor rate surveys conduct across collision repair facilities as well as amendments to anti-steering regulations. The California Autobody Association […]
Insurers Win Right to Recommend Repair Shops in Ontario Court Case
Toronto to spend $50,000 on appeal The Hamilton, Ontario-based Collision Industry Action Group (CIAG) reports that insurers have won the right to recommend repair facilities. Insurance companies have the right to recommend their repair shops to an insured. However the insurance company does not require that the insured use the recommended shop. With these words, […]
Replacement Parts Bills and Anti-Steering Legislation Introduced in PA Senate as Session Recesses
When the PA Senate reconvenes January 24, the insurance industry will be watching a competitive replacement parts legislation that has been introduced in the Senate. The National Association of Independent Insurers (NAII) is opposed to Senate Bill 1207, which prohibits the use of competitive replacement parts for the repair of vehicles that are less than […]