Collision repair industry reacts to Anderson Cooper 360 segment in prime time warning of unsafe repairs due to poor quality parts and repair work. Antitrust lawsuits against insurers detailed. Viewers of CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 segment broadcast last night were exposed to the controversies surrounding insurance company referral programs, parts choice and collision repair quality […]
Collision Repairers File 2nd Amended Complaint in Antitrust Suit against Auto Insurers
As expected, collision repairers have filed another amended complaint seeking to address concerns that led Judge to dismiss the case for a second time last month. Collision repair facility operators in Florida have filed a second amended complaint in their suit brought against more than 30 insurance companies. As CollisionWeek reported January 23, U.S. District […]
Antitrust Suits against Auto Insurers Suffer Setback
U.S. District Judge finds problems with the complaint brought by collision repair facilities alleging antitrust violations. Allows plaintiffs until February 10 to amend complaint on six of seven counts. 1963 Consent Decree found not to apply to current case. In an amended order issued yesterday, U.S. District Judge Gregory A. Presnell has dismissed without prejudice […]
Illinois Supreme Court Justice Who Helped Overturn Aftermarket Parts Verdict against State Farm at Center of Election Controversy Again
Effort to get Justice Lloyd Karmeier voted off the court gains the financial support of Plaintiff Attorneys who could gain from reinstatement of judgments in class-action lawsuits. Donations in the election of Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lloyd Karmeier are again making headlines. This time, however, plaintiff attorneys were reported this week to have made large […]
Federal Lawsuit Filed Against 7 Insurers Alleging Conspiracy to Control the Cost of Collision Repairs
Repair facility alleges violation of Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act, Fraud and Unjust Enrichment by the largest U.S. insurers. Seeks class action status. A lawsuit brought by a Pennsylvania-based collision repair facility was filed April 30 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, naming State Farm, Allstate, GEICO, […]
ABPA Files Lawsuit Seeking to Overturn Ford Design Patents
Seeks to have body repair part design patents ruled invalid. Alleges Ford uses patents to limit distribution and increase cost of repair parts. On November 25, the Automotive Body Parts Association (ABPA) filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas against Ford Global Technologies, LLC that seeks to […]
Massachusetts Bill Seeks State-Set Labor Rate
Insurance commissioner would set minimum rates based on rates in neighboring states. The Massachusetts legislature will once again consider legislation that would establish a state set auto body labor rate. At a hearing scheduled for June 20, the Joint Committee on Financial Services will consider a measure that would set a state minimum labor rate […]
Massachusetts Legislators Pass Right to Repair Bill
Compromise with automakers sends last minute bill to Governor’s desk. Massachusetts lawmakers have passed a last minute compromise bill to settle the Right to Repair dispute over OEM diagnostic information. The language of the bill was proposed in a joint letter on Tuesday to lawmakers from car manufacturer associations and the Right to Repair Coalition. […]
Ameriprise Launches Online Claims Handling for Non-DRP Shops
New ‘Shop of Choice’ program designed to ease repair process through out of network shops. Ameriprise Auto & Home Insurance launched a new program last week that it hopes will improve its collision repair claims service through non-direct repair facilities. The company, which primarily writes auto insurance on a direct to consumer model in 44 […]
Last CIC Meeting of 2010 Hits Data Privacy, Repair Standards
New chairman comments on plan for results-oriented process for CIC. Although the results of the recent crash testing of non-OEM parts by Ford and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, previously reported on CollisionWeek, were among the topics at the most recent Collision Industry Conference (CIC), the quarterly gathering focused on a variety of other […]