Tim Ronak, senior services consultant of AkzoNobel Performance Coatings, is next up in the Alliance of Automotive Service Providers of New Jersey’s (AASP/NJ) training schedule, presenting Overcoming Insurer Objections to Payment for Requested Procedures via Zoom on Wednesday, February 16 from 6-8 p.m. (EST).
Rapidly evolving construction of modern-day vehicles, embedded with critical safety and ADAS technology, requires repairers to perform necessary operations in order to ensure consumer safety and proper vehicle function. This can add confusion and friction in the billing process. In an environment of cost containment, these procedures are getting significant push back from third parties that reimburse consumers for their loss. Ronak will explore how shops can overcome these insurer objections.
“The cost of technology is increasing while the time to get a return on an investment is decreasing,” states Ronak. “Some technology is now only good for as little as one to three years, while in the past, one could get a 20-year investment out of technology and tools. Now, shops are spending an exorbitant sum on tools they can use on cars for a short term, and there is no reimbursement for that other than raising our Labor Rate. How do we do that? How do we determine an appropriate amount to charge? When we ask to be reimbursed for specific procedures, insurance people have no idea what we are talking about. They think we are trying to charge for frivolous things.”
Ronak will review what typical insurers are to do in order to settle a loss, address insurer objections when requesting rates and procedures, outline the general categories of insurer objections and explain dispute resolution so repairers know what their customers’ options are.
AASP/NJ Collision Chairman Dennis Cataldo, Jr. encourages fellow repairers to attend this valuable seminar, “Investing time into improving your business brings you great value. Even if you just walk away with just one piece of information you can use to your advantage, it’s worthwhile.”
This virtual meeting is free to AASP/NJ members in good standing; non-members pay $75 per person.