The International Bodyshop Industry Symposium (IBIS) announced its IBISConnect Latin America online event will take the form of a three-hour live simulcast on Thursday, September 10. There will be presentations from subject and regional experts, panel discussions, audience Q&A, breakouts and virtual networking.
The theme for IBISConnect Latin America is embracing a world of change (Adaptándose a un mundo en cambio).
The focus will be on how the auto collision repair industry in Latin America can work towards creating a sustainable and profitable future by embracing technological change and operational innovation. The agenda items we have selected will give our delegates the market insight, the external perspective and practical knowhow to do just this.
IBIS has been operating successfully in many regions including North America and the Middle East and will now bring its event to Latin America.
All of this will take place in our brand-new virtual conference suite launched recently for IBISConnect Africa and designed to give delegates an immersive, authentic event experience without having to leave their desk.