Legislation would modify requirements for insurers that conduct collision repair labor rate surveys from those introduced in California in 2017.
New legislation was introduced in California on Tuesday to modify collision repair labor survey regulations and remove restrictions against an insurer requiring a collision repair shop to pay for a rental vehicle and towing charge.
Assembly Bill 2276 (AB 2276) was introduced by Assembly Member Autumn Burke who was behind legislation, Assembly Bill 1679 (AB 1679), that also tried to overturn labor rate and also anti-steering regulations that came into effect in 2017. As CollisionWeek reported earlier this month,
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You need a follow up to this article about how Geico insurance laughs off any legislation that the CA DOI passes into law. Combine Geico’s arrogance with the fact that there is no enforcement from the DOI the shops are left in the same position as they have been for years. Weighing either eating the difference in rates or asking the consumer to pay what other insurers do.