According to a new report, nearly two-thirds of new vehicles for sale offer autonomous features, and shoppers are willing to pay a premium for cars equipped with this technology
Car shoppers are more ready for autonomous vehicles than they may realize, according to a new report from Edmunds, the car shopping and information platform. Thanks to the rapid adoption of active safety features, more than 60 percent of new vehicle models today can be purchased at Level 1 or Level 2 autonomy, as defined by the Society of Automotive Engineers. Five years ago less than a quarter of new
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The chart seems to be a bit misleading to me. I think it is displaying the percentage of models with the available technology and is not weighted by vehicle sales volume. As the article states, luxury brand have been quicker to offer the features as standard so it appears in many models but the sales volume is small in comparison with non-luxury brands. We track based on vehicle sales volume and come up with much lower percentages but there is not denying it is a rapidly growing set of technologies and will continue to have a significant and growing impact on the repair industry.